Anger and outrage swept the globe this week and left the United Kingdom and India teetering on the brink of Total Nuclear Armageddon, when it was learned that one "Moronic Zzzelebrity who Would Eat Their Own Shit With a Knife and Fork if They Thought it Would Get Them on Television" had kind of… sort of… obliquely offended another "Moronic Zzzelebrity who Would Eat Their Own Shit With a Knife and Fork if They Thought it Would Get Them on Television" -the incident apparently occurring on a television show so moronically insulting to the intelligence that it is guaranteed to be a ratings smash with the fuckwitted, brain-dead drones who make up the overwhelming majority of the British public,
Meanwhile and [according to most of the news programmes I watched] much, much less importantly -in Baghdad, another hundred or so people were blown to pieces in the continuing fallout from the crusade to bring freedom, democracy and reality TV to the Iraquis.