Follow "Them’s Good Broth" on Telegram
Following on from my infamous banning, then reinstating [and now, apparently banning again] from Twatter [see: here and there], I am now using a Telegram Channel as an alternative to Twatter, for those short-form brain-farts and also the odd bit of archaeology from the Them’s Good Broth archives. So, if you want a bit of that action, click the wee paper plane, to follow me on Telegram:
So, what’s this all about then?

This blog has been assembled from various bits, pieces and fragments of other blogs into which I [stíobhart matulevicz] have spewed my inane drivel over the years. For that reason, it contains a bit of a mixture of different types of content.
Earlier posts [dating from when I was bitter, twisted, impoverished and unemployed] tend to consist mostly of me railing against the world and all who sail in it, like Rab C Nesbitt on crack.
Towards the middle, chronologically speaking [when I was working as a college lecturer], the content tends to be a bit more 'professional' and 'work-related'. Interspersed amongst these two extremes are posts about whatever notions have rolled across my vacant skull that day, or vainglorious recordings of what I self-delusionally deem to be my artistic and technological triumphs.
In other words, it’s a right mixture of all kinds of oul' shite.
Is this drivel offensive/NSFW?
That all depends on what offends you or where you work. But the short answer is "Probably". In spite of the fact that I am urbane, witty, charming, a delight to know and an "all-round good guy", I do [like all members of the human race] occasionally like to blame the rest of the world for my own shortcomings. Therefore this blog probably contains posts which some people might find; anti-semitic, anti-establishment, anti-royalist, anti-democratic, anti-monarchist, anti-social, anti-perspirant and even on occasion anti-clockwise. In addition to this, my internal sub-editor has sometimes let slip through statements which border on the; ageist, jingoist, sexist, racist, recidivist, facist, communist and somnambulist.
In other words, don’t feckin' read if you’ve had a sense of humour bypass.
Why "Them’s Good Broth"?
No particular reason. It was one of my granny’s curious phrases --best said in a broad County Antrim accent. Whenever I visited her, a saucepan of home-made broth simmering away on the kitchen stove seemed to be a permanent fixture. She always referred to it in the plural; "Them’s good broth" as opposed to "That’s good broth" and the phrase stuck in my wee heid. Fast forward to a zillion years later when I was trying to think of a name for this collection of shite --and the rest, as they say, is [uninteresting] history!
Do you know this site looks shite on… <insert name of browser or platform> …?
As the design, no less than the content, is an eternal "Work-in-Progress", that doesn’t surprise me. However, the site looks OK for me running on Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera and across Mac OSX and Linux. As this is a personal site and not one I’ve built for a client, I have taken the liberty of not giving a flying fuck-toss what it looks like on Internet Exploder [or its doubtless equally as shite successors].
I’m painfully aware that the site doesn’t look as good as it ought to on mobile. That’s something I’m attending to "as and when". [Why couldn’t they all just have agreed on one or two screen-sizes and resolutions? It would have made things so much easier!]
I long to read more of your silken prose. Where can I find some?
- is my oldest continually running site [I first registered the domain name way back in 1998]. It’s supposed to be the corporate arm of my mighty business empire but never seems to quite get there. Possibly the intarwebs’s longest running "under construction" job.
- is a rarely updated obituary site, featuring [allegedly] humorous accounts of my periodic demise.
My artwork Instagram is here though I rarely bother to post there as I hate 'social meeejah' with a passion.
You’re great. Please can I give you some money?
Why, certainly. If you’re in the market for some tacky tat quality merchandise, featuring my artwork. Or you fancy buying one of my hand-made coin rings [Amazon], why not visit one of my online shops on…
Society6 [I no longer sell on Society6. Beware! They steal from artists!]
…wherein you will find a selection of unfunny and badly executed designs you can choose to have printed on a variety of tawdry gifts with which to embarrass a friend or loved-one.
Alternately, if you like the cut of my gib and would like to commission me to produce some cartoonage for you, get in touch. Some day I’ll get around to putting a contact form on this site. In the meantime, you can direct message me through one of those sites linked to above.
Tech Spec for geeks and nerds
Hand-drawn artwork is usually produced using 2B or 4B Pencil, Pen & Ink, Brush Pen, Watercolour, Indian Ink… or any combination thereof
Digital artwork is usually produced these days using using ibisPaint, when I’m on my Android tablet, or Photoshop and Illustrator on my laptop—depending on what the end product is going to be.
Verbiage is written either in TextMate or (Mac)VIM --depending on how geeky I’m feeling at the time.
The site is built using Hugo and kept updated using Git via Bitbucket. Instructions for aforesaid are issued using iTerm 2.
Them’s Good Broth is hosted in Frankfurt, Germany on a Linode VPS.
The server is running Ubuntu Linux and the webserver is Caddy.
Keeping things 'local'
This site doesn’t track you or follow you… or load half a ton of crap from around the web. Everything is self-contained and locally hosted and there are no cookies nor stats gathering scripts. Doesn’t that make you feel nice and clean?