13 Nov 2011
Cert. Ed.-Ifiable
“A Couple of Cartoons Produced in PGCE / Cert. Ed. Class”

At the last session of my terminally tedious Cert. Ed. course [which I’m being forced to complete, to prove I’m qualified to do the job I’ve been doing for the past eleven years], I was actually given carte blanche to do some doodling in an official capacity --instead of using it as a means to attempt to preserve my sanity, while the lesson drags by, as is usually the case.

We were split into groups of four and charged with producing some “visuals” which explained how 'something so boring I’d rather eat my own dung than think about it' differed from 'something else so boring I’d rather eat my own dung than think about it'. Whilst the rest of my group went online to collect and collate some suitably uninteresting facts to prove whatever the Hell it was we were proving, I was given the task of providing the accompanying graphics…​.

illustrating ’something so boring I’d rather eat my own dung than think about it’
illustrating ’something else so boring I’d rather eat my own dung than think about it’

And here, purely for illustrative purposes, is a picture of a man preparing to eat his own dung, rather than think about it [whatever “it” is].


TAGS: cert. ed.


AUTHOR: stíobhart matulevicz

LAST MODIFIED: 13 Nov 2011

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