31 Dec 2011
Meet Scroodl
“Introducing The Scroodl Challenge”

Howdy boys and girls.

At that depressing post-Christmas time of year, when you look at your haggard hungover face and turkey & mince pie-bloated carcass in the bathroom mirror and realise that you’ve spent the entire Christmas break stuffing your face and poisoning your liver and done “absolutely-no-work-at-all©” it’s nice to set yourself some aspirational New Year’s Resolutions.

And what could be more assuaging of your festive guilt than to pledge yourself fervently to some unattainable goal which, deep down, you know you’ll give up on, halfway through January and return to your self-loathing indolent ways?

Well, that dream can now become a reality!

Meet Scroodl, my fantastic new concept, for all boys and girls of an artistic disposition. The idea is simples. Just sign up, using the contact form on the Scroodl site and then your challenge is to upload a scribble or doodle [ie. “scroodl”] every day for a whole year. Read the details here.

Well --are you with me artistic brothers and sisters? Are we gonna do this thing and show those nay-sayers that we’ve got what it takes to produce crap artwork, all year round?



Where’s everybody gone?


TAGS: stíobhartscroodl


AUTHOR: stíobhart matulevicz

LAST MODIFIED: 31 Dec 2011

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