19 Feb 2012
Seventh Weeks Worth of Scroodls
“Scroodl Roundup: Week 07”

I’m afraid the Post-It note offerings have continued into a second week.

[it’s just so much more convenient than dragging my sorry arse all the way over to the computer and setting up my Wacom tablet!]

I also seem to have created a monster; namely Colonel Wanderbury and his arch-enemy Baron von Brücken-Stempfl, who seem to have taken over my scroodls, at the moment. Trouble is, having given spawned the two eejits, I havenae the heart to kill them off. Oh well, let’s see what next week brings.

By the way. Not that anyone is remotely interested, but the “Wanderbury” in the first picture [the ‘bath of bras’ incident] is not Colonel Wanderbury himself, but his nephew Quantock Wanderbury --a man whose career has thus far not progressed beyond that brief walk-on part.


The mighty Scroodl challenge; pick a start date and then aim to create and upload a hand-drawn piece of art, every day for the next 365 days --or a “year”, as it’s sometimes also called!

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