This morning as a bit of a warm-up and loosen-off session to banish the memory of yesterday’s abortive Animation Street task, we had a session of that old classic parlour game “Taking Your Line For a Walk”.
For the uninitiated, the idea is simple: each person scribbles on a piece of paper in front of them. The papers are then shuffled round in a variety of ways [to stop things becoming too predictable] so that everyone ends up staring blankly at someone else’s scribble, which has landed in front of them. You then have three minutes to turn that scribble into some sort of piece of ‘art’.
It is interesting to observe how different people’s minds work, when faced with this challenge. Some people see patterns and shapes in the scribbles, some people see typography, some people [I’m in this camp] tend to pick out faces of people or creatures --and some people sit there staring blankly at the paper, presumably seeing only scribbles.
Here are my efforts.
The Greater Crested Grebe

Man Attacked By Savage Pea

Fat Texan and Friend


Stuck-Up Waiter