01 Oct 2015
Hold on to What You've Got
“Remember to keep your OSX installer, if you're doing multiple installs”
App store chore

Just a quick reminder folks that, if you’re planning to upgrade[?] to OSX El Capitán in the near future and you have more than one computer to upgrade, you’ll want to grab a copy of the installer application, before hitting that big Continue button –otherwise the installer will self-destruct [well, 'self-delete' anyway] when done and you’ll have to download all 6,09GB of it all over again, to install on your next computer.

No, I don’t know why Apple continue to insist on doing it this arse-brained way, without so much as providing an option to save the installer. But there you go; Apple are worth eleventy billion squid and I’m worth about five bob. So it’s obviously some kind of 'Insanely Great©' idea.

Anyway, after you’ve set the El Capitán installer app downloading from the App Store and twiddled your thumbs while it does its thing, you’ll eventually be presented with the installer window popping open on screen.

Woahhh! --hold your horses!

Resist the urge to click on the Continue button straight away and, instead navigate to your /Applications folder wherein you’ll find the downloaded Install OSX El Capitán.app. This is what you’ve just spent [insert appropriate time for your internet connection speed] downloading and what, left to their own devices, Apple will delete once it’s outlived its single-usefulness.

Grab it before it’s gone!

So in order to avail of using the installer on another comp, without having to sit through the download again, just move a copy of this installer app to a backup location somewhere. When needed again, copy to the next target computer and run from there.


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