21 Jun 2018
National Selfie Day
“...or so they tell me!”
According to the Twitterati, today was "National Selfie Day". Because it’s always "National <fucking something > Day" on Twatter —and people definitely need more encouragement to fill the internets up with vacuous pouting orange-faced selfies.
But still. If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em. So here is my contribution to the Exhibition of Egoism.
First of all, one I found in an old sketchbook from 20 odd years ago. Probably the last time I tried to draw myself with serious intent.

Portrait of the Artist as a Young[er] Man
And, just to show that I’ve used the intervening years wisely in honing my artistic abilities, here’s one from the bathroom wall, which I did a year or so ago.

Portrait of the Artist as a Jug-Eared Wonky-Toothed Loon